We often saw some people talking to themselves in a supermarket or in the street, and we'd automatically consider them either too old or with mental problems, but not the Koreans, especially the Koreans in a Korean movie or TV drama, because to the Korean people, the monologue is indeed the dialog. If the Koreans got such talk-to-themselves problems when they are still young, even at teenage, I just could not imagine how such problem would become how serious when they become older and older. But the Korean movies and TV dramas both pushing the uncontrollable talking to himself or herself a common habit to all the Koreans, no matter young or old, male or female, they all put their thoughts, their thinking in their mouths and blabbering out non-stop. People under age 45 usually would not have such self-murmuring problem unless a mentally deterioration is underway. When people start talking to himself or herself, it's a popular sign and common sense that the person who talk or murmuring to himself(herself) is reaching a deteriorating mental condition, he or she uses the mouth to carry out the thoughts in their mind or brain. A dialog helps the viewers to understand the on-going of the storyline, the coming-up or developing scenarios or plots, but use monologue of one person keeps talking to himself or herself is just stupid and unnatural. So most of the time in a Korean movie ( the Japanese movies and TV dramas also got such problem, but not as serious as the Korean's), talking non-stop to him(her)self, a monologue only mentally ill or born retarded, become the never-can-get-rid-of, must-have, even in self doubt scene so popularly used. But Korean movies and TV dramas use such stupid monologue, a self-talking-to-himself(herself) to let the viewers, who in the eyes of the screenplay writers and the directors usually think the viewers are too stupid to understand what the characters in the movie or TV dramas are thinking. It's not the normal dialogs that we usually see in the Western movies, the dialog in Korean movies or drama series are not dialog between two characters or among several actors, but a monologue, a single person keeps talking to himself or herself, and such monologue is widely used to show those thoughts usually flow in one's brain. What made us not easy to enjoy the Korean movies or the TV drama series, no matter how popular they are, is the stupid dialog.
Subtitle A taxi driver 2017 720p bluray x264 yts amĪ general problem of the Korean movie or TV drama series